Everything is for Our Children!

Our Social Responsibility Campaign is Finished. Thank You for Your interest.
More... Our Social Responsibility Campaign is Finished. Thank You for Your interest.
Watch current movies on a comfortable sofa, entertain your children in a safe environment, or have a good time at one of the orion events continuing through out the year
In order to meet friends for a hot coffee break or to have a nice meal and chat in çorlu, the same sentence has been pronounced for 20 years: “Should we goto Orion?”
Türkiye’nin ve Dünya’nın önde gelen markalarından oluÅŸturduÄŸumuz seçki ile alışveriÅŸi keyfe dönüÅŸtürmek için çalışıyoruz.

Orion Shopping Mall

Accessible Mall


Featured Brands

You can access our brand selection which makes shopping pleasure.


Meeting Point

Spacious Architecture

Orion - Çorlu's Prestige Point

Since its Opening in 1999, Orion Has Been One Of the Symbolic Landmarks Of Çorlu.

In order to protect this feature of ours, we strive to renew and improve ourselves with a dynamic management approach. We give importance to the opinions of our visitors and we are not indifferent to their demands. Not only in shopping mall, but also in çorlu, we strive to leave good marks. We love çorlu and our job very much.